Echoes of Fear – Pastoral Reflections on Navigating a Post-Pandemic Age

Echoes of Fear – Pastoral Reflections on Navigating a Post-Pandemic Age

After 15 months, it looks like our COVID chains are starting to come off. The recent announcement made by our Alberta government has us opening up by July 2021, Lord willing.

While this was welcome news to many, I’ve been surprised to hear that some are not ready to return to a life without health restrictions. Psychologists are calling it COVID anxiety syndrome; its defined as, “…the inability to leave the house because of COVID-19 fears, frequent checking for symptoms despite not being in a high-risk scenario, and avoiding social situations or people.”

Symptoms of COVID anxiety syndrome mimic those of other mental health conditions, such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Disturbingly, this crippling fear that remains, reflects the kind of stress one experiences when escaping a cult. How can the average saint respond?


Fellowship Baptist Church
Fellowship Baptist Church
Echoes of Fear - Pastoral Reflections on Navigating a Post-Pandemic Age