Science and faith have often had a strained relationship over the years. It’s also a strange relationship since modern science really owes its existence to Christian thought. Belief in an ordered material world, belief that the world and its order can be known, and belief that understanding the world and its order is a valuable exercise are all integral to the biblical worldview of the average saint.
Still, today many consider faith and science to be opposed to each other. Science is in the realm of facts, reason and evidence, while faith is in the realm of feelings, experiences and values. It’s objectivity vs. subjectivity. However, for the average saint, this is a false dichotomy. Science is far from being value free and biblical faith is far from being fact free.
Christianity is in fact a knowledge tradition that appeals to both reason and evidence. The whole faith hinges on the veracity of one historical event: the death and resurrection of Jesus. For the average saint, faith isn’t simply an emotional appeal, but a reasoned appeal. Science, rather than being an opponent – is actually to be an ally.
So what role should science play in our faith, how can it strengthen us, and what are some pitfalls to beware of as we live in an age that is increasingly reliant on science to provide the answer for everything?
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